To ensure that we meet the increasing requirements, we continuously update and enhance our standards and implement a management system to align all our processes with them. This is bearing fruit we are proud of, as in recent years we have initiated numerous new certification processes in the important fields of quality, safety, and the environment.
These certifications not only strengthen our internal, day-to-day commitment to quality, safety, and combating climate change. In addition, they allow us to demonstrate this exceptional commitment to our customers and set a good example for the rest of our industry.
Other local certifications include:
- SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment System)
- AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)
Why certifications are essential
Certifications offer our company numerous benefits, including:
- Improved quality: By implementing certifications according to ISO standards and similar regulations, we are constantly required to closely examine and improve our processes and procedures, which ultimately leads to a higher service quality.
- Increased customer satisfaction: By improving process quality and service, customers are also more satisfied, because everyone likes smooth processes.
- Increased competitiveness: These certifications demonstrate to customers and business partners that we meet high standards of quality in the respective areas. One more reason to choose Logwin!
- Increased efficiency: When processes are combined, simplified, or automated, this subsequently contributes to higher efficiency and lower costs.
- Increased environmental awareness: ISO 14001 certification particularly addresses an effective set of requirements for sustainable environmental management. This is how we guarantee our clientele that we take our environmental impact seriously, examine it closely, and try to improve a little bit each and every day.