Consumer Goods

On the shelf on time

Available around the clock: we deliver fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) on time to the point of sale for retailers and manufacturers. We know the industry and understand what is most important – after all, Logwin has worked with customers dealing in food and drink, home cleaning products, personal care and cosmetic items, and DIY supplies for many years.


Logistics services

  • Storage and order picking
  • Traceability in line with EU Directive 178/2002
  • Value-added services
  • Returns handling, cleaning
  • Advertising material and event logistics

Intelligent distribution concepts

  • Global transport control
  • Shipment consolidation
  • Container stuffing
  • Tracking and tracing at every stage (barcode, RFID)
  • Supply chain event management
  • Security concepts (C-TPAT)

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