
The right place for every product

Logwin manages more than 500,000 square metres of space in modern warehouses around the world with equipment to accommodate customers’ needs. With intelligent warehouse management systems and technology such as pick-by-light, driverless transport systems and automated warehouses, we ensure efficient processes and a high level of process reliability.

As a financially strong logistics partner, Logwin develops appropriate warehousing concepts for every industry and invests in advanced solutions. At the same time, Logwin is able to provide a variety of additional services at the customer’s request.


Logwin’s services in the area of warehousing:

  • Pallet and block storage, high-bay racking, shelving and small parts storage
  • Tailored storage solutions and options for multiple users
  • Interim storage, cross-docking, complete logistics outsourcing
  • On-site and off-site solutions
  • Stock placement, picking and removal strategies
  • Customised warehousing for industries such as fashion, automotive, industry, chemicals and consumer goods
  • Inventory management with a modern warehouse management system
  • Returns processing
  • Interfaces to customer software, integration of warehousing and shipping software
  • Transparent flow of information: customers have a complete overview of the movement of goods at all times
  • Dispatch handling

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