
Committed to giving back

As a logistics service provider, we master new challenges every day – whether in the office, on the road, or at one of our warehouse locations. We achieve all of this only through our teams, who give their best for our customers each and every day out of conviction and with all their heart – and always with a desire to assume responsibility. Watch the video to find out how we at Logwin practice (and experience) the act of giving back.

Our charity program is an example of how we combine the social responsibility of individuals and our company with commitment and personal growth. For example, our employees or entire teams can submit their own humanitarian or environmental projects, and Logwin will then provide financial support. The fact that we volunteer together and don’t just hand over a check leaves a lasting impression on us – and creates close bonds between team members. And we get a lot in return: gratitude, appreciation, friendships, exciting stories, and many bright smiles on children’s faces.

Here you’ll find a small selection of Charity projects Logwin has supported so far:

Children of the Rising Sun”, Kenia 

The Children of the Rising Sun orphanage in Kenya has been continuously expanded since it opened in 1994. The expansions created additional educational and care opportunities for the children. Our employee Michael Krause has been volunteering for the project for several years and regularly flies to Kenya to visit the children and aid workers as well as to support them with donated goods.

The Boys’ & Girls’
Clubs Association (BGCA), Hong Kong

Logwin Hong Kong has been working with the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association (BGCA) as a charity partner for many years. Each September, students from low-income families receive a variety of school supplies to ensure they get their school year off to a good start. The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) is committed to the welfare, advancement, and growth of children and young people. Their guiding principle is “Nurture the Young, Create the Future.”

Thammasak Children's Home
in Bangkok, Thailand 

This orphanage, established by Buddhist monks, cares for children infected with HIV and those whose parents have died due to HIV. The temple, which is attached to the orphanage, also provides full-time care for HIV-infected adults. Our team from the Thailand office were able to bring smiles to the children’s faces with lunch and ice cream as well as financial and material donations!

Qianjie Language Rehabilitations
Center, Nanjing, China 

The Nanjing Qixia District Language Rehabilitation Center of Qianjie – an individual training center for children with hearing loss – was founded in Nanjing, China in June 2003. Over the past 19 years, with the support of the government and all sectors of society, more than 1,300 children with hearing loss have been successfully rehabilitated. During a visit, our colleagues in Nanjing brought food, daily necessities, and stationery to support the children at the center. The gifts of custom-made puzzles and toys brought bright smiles to many children’s faces.

"Polki Mogą Wszystko Foundation,
Warsaw, Poland

The foundation provides children from Ukraine a safe haven and a place to relax, play, and learn. They are offered a wide range of educational and psychological assistance. In addition to a financial donation, employees from Logwin Poland visited the foundation and treated the children to an afternoon of games, balloons, and face painting. 

„Zukunft für Nepal
Ostwürttemberg e.V.“, Germany

Logwin has been committed to helping the people of Nepal for several years in partnership with the machine manufacturer Voith and Zukunft für Nepal Ostwürttemberg e.V. (Future for Nepal East Württemberg Association). Since the severe earthquakes that struck the country in 2015, the situation there has remained precarious to this day. The stated goal of our company’s efforts in 2022 was to transport materials and machine parts. This was no easy feat in the mountainous, poorly accessible region in the Himalayas!

The world is your home? You know the difference between packing and picking like the back of your hand? You want the adrenaline of the apron as well as a family office? 

No problem, because Logwin is looking for doers! Whether you are a trainee, in dual studies or working student, sales manager, key account manager, picker, controller or branch manager - just take a look at our career pages!

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