Perfectly Connected

Logwin in Asia

A significant percentage of all goods circulating worldwide is now produced or transshipped in Asia. This is why it is becoming increasingly important for logistics companies like Logwin to have a solid foothold in countries such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia in order to be able to develop customized solutions for our customers in the shortest possible time.

Nowadays, overland shipping from China to Europe is one of the most important routes for global business and worldwide trade. Besides the traditional options such as ship and airplane, transportation by train offers an equivalent alternative. 
When it comes to both actual shipping as well as warehousing and value-added services, it goes without saying that we keep our finger on the pulse, investing in IT and equipment. All Logwin locations use a uniform transport management system (TMS) that ensures that information is passed from office to office and largely eliminates errors. Intelligent interfaces in the workflow between manual work and computers lead to efficient processes, high reliability, and transparency.

You simply can’t ignore Asia

No other continent is growing more rapidly in terms of economic power, the range of manufactured goods, and the spirit of innovation than Asia. Since the year 2000, we’ve been able to open 15 new Logwin locations in the People’s Republic of China alone.
Many of our offices have been in service for much longer – our offices in Indonesia and Thailand, for example, recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. And in Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the Philippines, we have been doing business for more than 40 years. 


In the summer of 2022, one location had a special anniversary to celebrate: 50 years of Logwin in Hong Kong! In the summer of 1972, Logwin took the plunge and established its first logistics office in China – at that time under the name “East West Freight Limited,” a small office for air and sea cargo directly in the logistics center of Hong Kong. 
Over the years, the site’s range has grown to include not only shipping by sea and air as well as warehousing, but also consolidation services and special solutions, including deliveries to downtown Hong Kong that are timed to the minute. Today, our Hong Kong location is one of the largest and most important in all of Asia for our company, and we currently operate five additional offices in South China alone that are part of the Hong Kong organization.

Hong Kong

In addition to its free port, the city has one of the largest cargo airports in the world. Due to its status as a free trade zone, goods can also transit through here – which simplifies customs procedures and significantly reduces the time and costs of trade. No wonder, then, that the airport is the most popular transshipment and consolidation point for southern China.
As China has now risen to become a major innovation hub, a particularly large number of cutting-edge goods from the electronics sector are transshipped in Hong Kong destined for Europe, the United States, and, increasingly, the Asian region. In turn, machinery (parts) and highly coveted premium apparel often flow from the Western world to Hong Kong and Asia.

In the meantime, the company has about 100 employees in this fascinating metropolis, with another 100 or so working at the other offices in South China, which are located in Shenzhen, Xiamen, Dongguan, Foshan, and Guangzhou. They are all united by their goal of bringing together suppliers, customers, and logistics services in the best possible way and serving as a reliable mooring in the sometimes rather rough seas that are global trade.
At the end of the day, this tightly woven network of high-performance equipment, fast IT, and dedicated people is what creates the Logwin factor – the key to our success.

That's what makes us different!

Here you will find the latest Your Logistics with articles on our worldwide activities.

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The world is your home? You know the difference between packing and picking like the back of your hand? You want the adrenaline of the apron as well as a family office? 

No problem, because Logwin is looking for doers! Whether you are a trainee, in dual studies or working student, sales manager, key account manager, picker, controller or branch manager - just take a look at our career pages!

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