Customs Simplification / Security


Authorized Economic Operator (AEO-F)

The Certification of companies as Authorised Economic Operator is a major component of the EU's initiative on customs security. The aim is to securely organize and protect all supply chains from threats. Recognized AEO's are considered as particularly reliable and trustworthy. Among other things, they have the possibility of obtaining approval for customs processes throughout the EU without having to undergo renewed certfication.

Official webpage of the European Union


AEO Certificates in the Logwin Group

The following Logwin companies are certified as Authorized Economic Operator of the European Union. With their AEO-F status they meet the current highest requirements of the World Customs Organization. AEO-F (full) combines the simplifications in customs law of the AEO-C (customs) status with the security-related conditions of the AEO-S (security) status.



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Austria GmbH
Certificate No.AT AEOF 136CF699
Effective since02/04/2013
Issued by Zollstelle Salzburg



CompanyLogwin Solutions Austria GmbH 
Certificate No.AT AEOF 096CE066
Effective since20/02/2009
Issued by Zollstelle Salzburg



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Belgium N.V.
Certificate No.BE AEOC 0000265GDA
Effective since29/06/2009
Issued by              Regionale Component KLAMA Antwerpen


Czech Republic

CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Czech s.r.o.
Certificate No.CZ AEOC 220427
Effective since26/07/2022
Issued by Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Deutschland GmbH
Certificate No.DE AEO F 100825
Effective since20/07/2009
Issued by Hauptzollamt Schweinfurt



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Hungary Kft.
Certificate No.HU AEOC 170000E3000005937
Effective since30/04/2023
Issued by NAV Észak-Budapesti AVI



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Italy S.r.l.
Certificate No.IT AEO F 09 0074
Effective since19/05/2009
Issued by Ufficio Regimi Doganali e Fiscali Area Centrale Gestione Tributi



CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean Spain S.L.
Certificate No.ES AEOF 12000110QM
Effective since04/10/2012
Issued by Servicio Central OEA


CompanyLogwin Solutions Spain S.A.
Certificate No.ES AEOF 120000142A
Effective since06/01/2012
Issued by Servicio Central OEA


The Netherlands

CompanyLogwin Air + Ocean The Netherlands BV
Certificate No.AEOF 0002915
Effective since08/12/2024
Issued by Dutch Customs (R. Randjitsing)


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