Logwin strengthens position in Scandinavia through acquisition of Infranordic Shipping & Forwarding AB (Sweden)

Grevenmacher (Luxembourg) / Gothenburg (Sweden) – Logwin Air + Ocean has acquired the Swedish company Infranordic Shipping & Forwarding AB as of 1October 2024.

Infranordic and Logwin have enjoyed a successful partnership in the field of air and ocean freight transport for over ten years. With this acquisition, Logwin recognises the importance of the Scandinavian economic area for the international logistics market.

The investment is part of the strategic expansion of Logwin's global network. At the same time, the acquisition creates the best conditions for fast, reliable and direct support of customers in Scandinavia. The integration of Infranordic into the company's own IT infrastructure will accelerate future order processing and offer existing and potential customers the greatest possible transparency across the entire supply chain.

Promising long-term development prospects

Together with the management of Infranordic, which will continue to perform its tasks unchanged, Logwin is convinced that the acquisition will further strengthen the position of Infranordic and Logwin in Scandinavia. This is also emphasised by Henrik Carlsson, CEO of Infranordic: ‘With the acquisition of Infranordic by Logwin, we have created a promising long-term development perspective. The even closer integration that is now possible will also bring lasting benefits for our customers in particular.’

Logwin AG


Logwin AG (Grevenmacher, Luxembourg) provides efficient logistics and transport solutions for its customers from industry and trade. In 2023, the group generated sales of EUR 1.3bn and currently employs about 3,700 staff. Logwin operates in all main markets worldwide and has around 190 locations on six continents. With its two business segments Solutions and Air + Ocean, Logwin AG is one of the leaders in the market. Logwin AG is listed in the Prime Standard of the Deutsche Börse. The majority shareholder is DELTON Logistics S.à r.l., Grevenmacher (Luxembourg).


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